Editor in Chief:
Richard W. Kropf, Ph.D. (University of Ottawa, 1973);
S.Th.D. (Universite' Saint-Paul, Ottawa, 1980), special studies:
Ecumenical Institute for Advanced Theological Studies, (Tantur)
Author: Teilhard, Scripture, & Revelation
(FDUP/Associated University Presses, 1980).
Evil & Evolution: A Theodicy
(FDUP/AUP 1984)
Faith: Security & Risk
(Paulist Press 1990)
P.O. Johannesburg, MI 49751-9622 USA
Consulting Editors:
Jacques Severin Abbatucci, M.D., (University of Paris)
Alumnus: Sloan Kettering Memorial Cancer Center, New York.
Retired Associate Professor of Oncology and Radiation Therapy,
of Caen, Normandy.
Member: Academie Nationale des Sciences, Artes et Belles Lettres
de Caen;
Organizer, Groupe d'etude Teilhard de Chardin. Caen, France.
E-mail: abbat@baclesse.fr
or Groupe
Teilhard web-page
David Beckman, B.S. (Electrical Engineering, U. of
35 year veteran of NASA's manned spaceflight program.
Resident of Pearland, TX
E-mail address:daveb@hal-pc.org
George V. Coyne, S.J., B.S. (Mathematics, Fordham
Ph.L. (Philosophy, Fordham University)
Ph.D. (Astronomy, Georgetown University.
Director: Vatican Observatory, Castelgondolfo, Italy,
Mt. Graham, Arizona. Associate Director: Steward Observatory,
University of Arizona
Adjunct Professor: University of Arizona.
George S. Gericke, M.D.
Principal Investigator: Neurogenetic Research Initiative,
South African Medical Research Council.
Past Professor and Head: Department of Human Genetics,
University of Pretoria, Transvaal, Union of South Africa
Ray Hoobler, Ph.D. (Mathematics, University of
California, Berkeley)
Department of Mathematics, City College of New York and Graduate
Center, CUNY
E-mail: rthcc@cunyvm.cuny.edu
Catherine MacNeil, B.A. (Marygrove College)
Ph.D. (Philosophy, Fordham University)
Science Teacher: Edinbugh, Texas
Member: American Catholic Philosophical Association
Southest Michigan Alliance for Reinvestment in Technilogical
Texas Association of Gifted and Talented
American Astronomical Association: Teacher Resource Agent
E-mail: kmacn@ibm.net
Steve Mashalidis B.A. (Philosophy, York University)
M.A. (Philosophy of Education, The University of Toronto)
Ed.D. (Philosophy of Education, The University of Toronto)
Assistant Professor, Philosophy, Sociology, Education, College of
Career Education, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
Member: Association for Integrative Studies
Association for Process Philosophy of Education
International Network of Philosophers of Education
Philosophy of Education Society
e-mail stevemas@concentric.net
Mark Midbon, B.A. (University of
Wisconsin) M.A.(Rutgers University)
Reference Librarian, Fresno State University:
Computer Programmer, University of Arizona and University of
E-mail: midbon@doit.wisc.edu
Anthony J. Morse, B.A. (Intellectual History,
University of Michigan, 1960)
Literary and Philosophical Consultant. Book Reviewer.
Resident of Otsego County, Michigan.
E-mail: chloe9@www.hotmail.com
Joseph P. Provenzano, M.S. (Physics, Louisiana State
University, 1969)
Author: The Philosophy of Conscious Energy,
Winston-Derek Pub., 1993
Formerly employed White Sands Missle Range; presently by CalTech
at the
Jet Propulsion Laboratories (Modeling and Artificial Intelligence
possepro@earthlink.net For Provenzano &
Sons Homepage
Charles Radey, B.A. (Notre Dame University) M.A.
(University of Maryland)
M.D. (Michigan State University)
Author: Choosing Wisely
(Doubleday Image Books, 1992) .
Specialist in medical ethics (Cleveland Clinic and Case Western
Reserve University).
E-mail c/o: chasmarad@juno.com
Eric Sotnak, Ph.D. (University of Rochester); currently Assistant Professor of Philosophy, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio. E-mail: sotnak@uakron.edu
Mahlon H. Smith, A.B. (Rutgers University), B.D. (Drew
M.S.L., Institute of Medieval Studies, Toronto,
Special Studies: Universite' Catholique de Louvain.
Presently serving as Chair, Dept. of Religious Studies, Rutgers
Fellow of The Jesus Seminar.
E-mail: mahlonh.smith@worldnet
Nan Snyder, Artist
Resident: Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, USA
E-mail: nanj44@aol.com
Patrick Stonehouse, B.A. in Philosophy (Michigan State
Retired science teacher and special consultant in astronomical
Resident of Wolverine, MI
E-mail: cometman@onebox.com
Selim Uzunoglu, M.Sc., Ph.D. (Medical Biology, 9 Eylul
University, Izmir, Turkey)
Dept. of Biology, Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey
E-mail: selim@spil.bayar.edu.tr
web- page
Harold D. Wessell, B.A., M.A. Cand., Systematic
Theology (St. John's University, Collegeville, MN). Certified
D.R.E., Diocese of Albany, N.Y.
Resident: Rock City Falls, N.Y.
Member: Catholic Press Association
E-mail address: HDWessell@cs.com
NOTICE: The opinions expressed in this journal are solely the responsibilty of the editor(s) and in no way are to be taken as representing the official positions of any of the institutions to which they may be affiliated unless explicitly indicated otherwise.
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